From Education for Self, to Education to Be. Submission of Pedagogy and Didactics
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Education for oneself, Education to be, Competency regime, Socio-natural coming of age
Regarding Physics, today education experiences more rotational movement than translational movement. The movement of translation would correspond to the primacy by which education must elevate actions to enhance life, to care for the existing, for the common good, to “give oneself” in such a way that one’s meaning is not self-absorption, the neglect of the “other”, the unweaving of ties. Under the rotation movement, education would be in the direction of the “self”, of the particular good, oblivious to the demands of weaving links and welcoming the other, of translation for the balance of the interweaving of life.
Today, education is subject to the rule of rotation by which it must be absorbed in the function of “educating for oneself”, for the “self”, disregarding the fact that in this way the complex of life is destabilized, that if one does not “educate for the other”, if personal skills are not put at the service of the other, of the fellow man, of the general interest, life as a whole is inexorably affected. It is necessary, for the stability of the plexus of life, that education reorients its path along the paths where life gives its best smile, strengthens connections from its roots, matures, flourishes, works in harmony with its original
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