The beginning of the process of becoming a teacher. A view from student teachers

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Maribel Brito-Lara


Initial teacher training, Student teacher, Teacher identity


This article addresses how teacher training students perceived their entry into higher education, their passage at the beginning of initial teacher training and the vision of the teacher they wanted to become. Based on the narratives of the participants, we identify elements that make up the corpus of the construction of identity that they were generating around their future teaching profession. Promotion to higher education itself represented greater student responsibility. Being already in the normal school was a dream come true; although working in an unprecedented modality because of the confinement due to the COVID 19 pandemic; which, in spite of everything, was also perceived as a valuable experience for their professional future. What they had lived and experienced with their teachers converged in the model of a teacher they aspired to be: inspiring for the transformation and improvement of their students; the human being who works with humans in an environment of trust and understanding; attentive and willing to keep up to date in an ever-changing society.

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