Tangible barrier in the educational development Raramuri a look at the history of the Jesuites XVlll- XVl

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Raquel Escudero González
Jesús Trujillo
Guillermo Hernández


Education, Barriers, Interculturality, Worldview


This work is the result of qualitative research that required taking as an affiliation of analysis the barriers in the Raramuri educational development in the community of Choguita, municipality of Bocoyna, Chihuahua. The objetive of this work was to analyze the education that exists in this community taking into account their worldview, identity and traditional way of generating knowledge. The foundations of qualitative research such as; life stories, in-depth interviews,and participant observation were a fundamental part of obtaining data and how to achie the development of this research. The results show that the education system is established and designed for mestizo people or, in other words, the dominant group; leaving aside the evironment rhat surrounds them. The curricular plans are elaborated in an equal manner and that is the key point for a good quality education to develop. You can perceive key points in the educational context.

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