Published: 2022-07-01

July 2022


The school for life

Julio César Arboleda
Abstract 1476 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 401

Page 15-23


The question of credibility

Pedro Ortega Ruiz
Abstract 385 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 273

Page 24-34

Educational assessment and malpractice

Susana Herradas Martín
Abstract 869 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 1715

Page 35-40

English teaching in Colombian rural schools: Challenges and opportunities

Jacqueline Garcia Botero, Cristian Camilo Reyes Galeano
Abstract 1824 | PDF Downloads 1168

Page 41-55

The building constructive pedagogy and the formation of the subject in education

Rosa Martha Gutiérrez R.
Abstract 295 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 321

Page 56-63

School bullying in recreational contexts: Gender differences

Jacqueline Benavides-Delgado
Abstract 679 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 576

Page 64-71

Design and validation of a forgiveness and selfforgiveness questionnaire in separated co-parenting couples.

Héctor Andrés Orejarena Silva, Hadder Uriel Acosta Salazar, Queila Yanire Rodríguez Guarín, Raquel Rivera Carvajal
Abstract 599 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 454

Page 72-85

Nursing process in an early pregnant adolescent in México

Selmy Canul Mis, Vanesa Jiménez Arroyo
Abstract 1077 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 3078

Page 86-99

Strengthening reading and writing in times of pandemic. An approach to its practical reality

Luis Marcelo Mantilla Falcón, Alba Paulina Hernández Freire, Diana Mercy Sulca Quispilema
Abstract 285 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 544

Page 100-112

Study strategies to strengthen learning in the classroom through learning channels

Diana Patricia Páez Galindo
Abstract 862 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 2652

Page 113-125

The evaluator's ethical stance and the use of information

Josué Robles Plaza
Abstract 413 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 650

Page 126-131

Relationship between antagonists in the construction of hope today, from Freireano’s philosophical-pedagogical thought

Jorge Hernán Betancourt Cadavid, Sandra Liliana Yepes Villa
Abstract 205 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 145

Page 132-147

Science and innovation for the sustainable development of intelligent contexts

Alejandro Emilio Ramos Rodríguez, Elaine Artigas Pérez, Darais Báez Fernández, Orquidea Abreu González
Abstract 373 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 379

Page 148-162

Interdisciplinarity in engineering education

Boris Alvarez González, Yasell Sánchez Rodriguez, Irisdalys Pino Sánchez
Abstract 305 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 596

Page 163-172

Axiological foundations of medical professional identity: Aspects for debate

Bárbara Yacqueline Alemán Marichal, Haydeé Acosta Morales
Abstract 717 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 773

Page 173-183