Published: 2022-12-01

December 2022


Educar para la mayoría de edad pluriversal

Julio César Arboleda
Abstract 382 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 228

Page 13-16


(Re) thinking assessment in Initial Teacher Education when ICTs are involved

María Evangelina Méndez Sauane
Abstract 229 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 189

Page 17-22

Educate to plan human development and responsible care of life

Mario Alberto Álvarez López, Francisco A. Yusty B., Olga Patricia López L.
Abstract 375 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 262

Page 23-39

Reflections on the pedagogy of the arts. The mesoaxiological perspective

Nelly Fortes González
Abstract 444 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 280

Page 40-51

Design of a didactic sequence and its virtualization

Guillermo Aguilar Herver, Alfredo Leonardo Romero Sánchez, Luis Enrique García Álvarez, Ana Cristina Núñez González
Abstract 541 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 438

Page 64-68

Doctoral training in educational sciences: A theoretical and methodological perspective at the University of Matanzas

Inés Milagros Salcedo Estrada, Bárbara Maricely Fierro Chong, María de Lourdes Artola Pimentel
Abstract 241 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 467

Page 69-82

Informal learning in the informal curriculum from a critical-social perspective

Andrés Felipe Pérez Velasco
Abstract 477 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 545

Page 83-100