Environmental awareness and educational innovations
Abstract 255 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 166Page 28-32
Editorial. Why do environmental education: the need for awareness
Abstract 445 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 326Page 17-27
Appropriation of concepts and meanings in environmental chemistry. A contribution to the sense of sustainability
Abstract 315 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 173Page 33-36
Educational innovation in a Chilean regional university: the experience of an observatory
Abstract 502 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 354Page 37-49
Constructing an environment mediated by multiple learning (EMMA) for the training of university students.
Abstract 207 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 187Page 50-57
Philosophical foundations of the pedagogy of otherness
Abstract 1625 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 422Page 58-67
Functional physical condition and frequency of execution of physical activity in the elderly of the Family Compensation Fund-Compensate
Abstract 919 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 714Page 68-83
Training for research or formative research ?. Research and training as a common pillar of development
Abstract 10480 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 3298Page 84-89
Influence of curriculum organizers in planning the contextualized teaching of Mathematics
Abstract 3314 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 1890Page 90-112
Level of proficiency of the investigative competences of the aspirants to enter the post-graduate program of the UPEL-IMPM
Abstract 768 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 654Page 113-126
Central sectors of historical character: scenarios for heritage learning
Abstract 143 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 140Page 127-133
Professional practice in the career of social communication in the tunas
Abstract 221 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 548Page 134-141
Generalized procedure for problem solving
Abstract 622 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 336Page 142-162
The basic sciences in the curricular structure for the training of the professional
Abstract 230 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 347Page 163-173
System of exercises for the improvement of the speed of simple and complex execution in offensive actions of taekwondo in school athletes of the EIDE province Las Tunas
Abstract 1468 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 3343Page 174-192