Training, discipline and physical culture
Abstract 184 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 150Page 28- 33
Editorial. Manifest of the non-researcher
Abstract 208 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 121Page 24-27
Learning to live in difference, key to building a culture of peace
Abstract 602 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 2437Page 34- 71
Chilean educational reform: improving the quality of education with national teacher policy
Abstract 302 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 265Page 72- 82
Theoretical aspects of curricular design and its particularities in the sciences
Abstract 15517 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 27167Page 83- 112
Continuing education of the university teacher in the teaching of law
Abstract 369 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 606Page 113- 122
Linguistics applied to the teaching of the language
Abstract 5215 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 9762Page 123- 127
The sedentary lifestyle in the canton Latacunga and its social effects
Abstract 340 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 316Page 128- 138
Abandonment and mistreatment in early childhood, a look from public policy
Abstract 4848 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 6730Page 139- 146
The diagnosis of the guiding function in the initial education of the education professional
Abstract 776 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 2907Page 147- 171
Models of recruitment and selection of personnel for the commercial area of financial institutions.
Abstract 10607 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 60942Page 172- 193
Think mathematically: a path to accounting thinking
Abstract 331 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 370Page 194- 204
Live with light no to drugs
Abstract 341 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 177Page 205- 211
Procedures to prevent physical injuries in the discipline of Karate-do
Abstract 1252 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 929Page 212- 219
System of exercises for the improvement of the speed of simple and complex execution in offensive actions of the taekwondo in school athletes of the EIDE province las tunas.
Abstract 711 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 303Page 220- 238