Published: 2018-02-01
February 2018


Ethics, education and research

Julio César Arboleda
Abstract 660 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 485

Page 21-25


Editorial. Autumn Conversations

Pedro Ortega Ruiz, Eduardo Romero Sánchez
Abstract 223 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 147

Page 26-42

Education and ethics for a world citizenship

Mario Germán Gil Claros
Abstract 4334 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 107602

Page 43-52

Study of the factors of resistance to change and attitude toward the educational use of ICT by the teaching staff

Aizar Mejía Jálabe, Clara Patricia Villarreal Mora, César Augusto Silva Giraldo, David Andrés Suarez Suarez, Carlos Fernando Villamizar Niño
Abstract 7786 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 5564

Page 53-63

The inclusion of a student with autism spectrum disorder in higher education

Silvia Estela Yon Guzmán, Sara Esther Castillo Ortega, Gloria del Jesús Hernández Marín, Mariana Guadalupe Alcocer Castillo, Katherine Rosario Ramírez Gómez
Abstract 2983 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 1145

Page 64-85

Scientific production around swimming, careers in the South America region

Andrés Felipe Ramírez González, Yeison Andrés Cardona Molina, Ricardo León Díaz García, Janderson Cano Arango
Abstract 445 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 337

Page 86-93

School coexistence for citizenship in the light of the dimensions declared by UNESCO: perception of the students of the second cycle.

Daniel Sáez Sotomayor, Orlando Figueroa Mayorga, Sebastián Pereira Kahl
Abstract 300 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 465

Page 94-103

Development of emotional competences in the classroom: strategy for conflict resolution

Adriana Mórtigo Rubio, Diego Rincón Caballero
Abstract 13584 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 8577

Page 104-113

Early childhood policy in comprehensive care as equity construction of vulnerable sectors in a new campaign, jurisdiction of the municipality of Dibulla, La Guajira

Danni Dexi Redondo Salas, Clara Judith Brito Carrillo, Nerys Esther Martinez Trujillo
Abstract 195 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 171

Page 114-121

Ethics and research primer

Pedro Alvarez Viera
Abstract 9582 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 6987

Page 122-149

Educational perspective and politics of Emilio Uzcátegui and his prospective from the culture

Ruth Tatiana Fonseca Morales, Edgar Martínez Arco
Abstract 1820 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 316

Page 150-155

Economic education from teaching history to the formation of the economic culture. An educational proposal.

Jorge A. Hernández Ibáñez, Yanio Hernández Heredia
Abstract 175 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 226

Page 156-165

Risks evaluation ergonomic and its incidence in health of the workers of the Rural parochial GAD Alluriquin

Cristian Espín, Mayra Lorena Espín Beltrán, Ludy Zambrano
Abstract 4350 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 2634

Page 166-173

The reality of professional work with disabilities in companies in Guayaquil

Marcos Moreira Argudo, Flora Zambrano Parrales, Genaro Cabezas García
Abstract 972 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 956

Page 174-183