Published: 2022-05-01

May 2022


Education and sustainability

Julio César Arboleda
Abstract 654 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 470

Page 16-23


An educational view of sustainable development, or don't walking through the branches

Ramón Mínguez Vallejos
Abstract 498 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 325

Page 24-37

Curriculum development and teaching practices in electricity and electronics in technical secondary education

José Eduardo Cifuentes Garzón
Abstract 574 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 432

Page 38-57

Childhood in street situation: Voices for the construction of a training perspective

Claudia Patricia Lopera Álvarez
Abstract 652 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 458

Page 58-73

Lessons Learned When Training Older Adults in the Use of Information and Communication Technologies

Juan Pablo García Vázquez, María Angélica Astorga Vargas, Rosario Guadalupe Hernández de Dios, Grisel Corral Aguayo, Mónica Cristina Lam Mora, Luis Enrique Vizcarra Corral, Maria Luisa González Ramírez, Aglay González Pacheco Saldaña, Gloria Etelbina Chavez Valenzuela
Abstract 895 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 723

Page 74-86

The theoretical contributions of neuropedagogy to the development of didactic strategies in teaching-learning in a postcovid 19 era.

Ramiro Andres Martinez Forero, Jhony José Arrieta Guerra, Janeth del Carmen Tovar Guerra
Abstract 2924 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 2438

Page 87-95

Film Pedagogy. Theoretical and applied approach

Álvaro Dosil Rosende
Abstract 278 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 227

Page 96-104

Analysis of three magnitudes in a craft practice in the municipality of Galapa, Atlántico, Colombia

Oscar Muñoz Jiménez, German Torres Nevado, Armando Aroca Araujo
Abstract 349 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 262

Page 121-143

Education for global citizenship in universities. Challenges and opportunities

Stefany M. Sanabria Fernandes, Silvana Longueira Matos
Abstract 777 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 654

Page 144-153

Trends in quality assurance in higher education: A critical appraisal of the case of Angola

Yosvany Pedroso González, Inidia Rubio Vargas, Acácio de Jesús
Abstract 344 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 265

Page 154-163

Mathematics the art of thinking: Rhizomatic deconstruction in early education

Milagros Elena Rodríguez
Abstract 418 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 382

Page 189-202

Adaptive behavior and education of pupils with intellectual disability in Maule Region (Chile): An approach to its understanding

Teresa Núñez Núñez, Delfín Montero Centeno
Abstract 1285 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 1382

Page 203-220

Behavior of graduates´ studies in health sciences professionals in the last two decades

Rocío del Pilar Castellanos Vega, Carolina Sandoval Cuellar, Adriana María Pedraza, Ángela Liliana Monroy, Mayra Alejandra Borda, Carol Mayerline Morales Suárez, Adriana Sofía Valero Ortiz, Yuly Alexandra Pedraza Páez
Abstract 658 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 401

Page 227-240

The use of virtual resources in higher education and academic performance in times of pandemic.

Lexinton Gualberto Cepeda Astudillo, Amalín Ladaysé Mayorga Albán, Margarita del Rocío Pomboza Floril, Ciro Diego Radicelli García
Abstract 955 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 677

Page 258-264