Education and sustainability
Abstract 724 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 515Page 16-23
An educational view of sustainable development, or don't walking through the branches
Abstract 542 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 357Page 24-37
Curriculum development and teaching practices in electricity and electronics in technical secondary education
Abstract 682 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 515Page 38-57
Childhood in street situation: Voices for the construction of a training perspective
Abstract 739 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 521Page 58-73
Lessons Learned When Training Older Adults in the Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Abstract 1060 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 815Page 74-86
The theoretical contributions of neuropedagogy to the development of didactic strategies in teaching-learning in a postcovid 19 era.
Abstract 3793 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 3139Page 87-95
Film Pedagogy. Theoretical and applied approach
Abstract 304 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 247Page 96-104
The role of tertiary education as an alternative for improving life projects of the students from the Ciudadela Cuba in Pereira School
Abstract 344 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 312Page 105-120
Analysis of three magnitudes in a craft practice in the municipality of Galapa, Atlántico, Colombia
Abstract 404 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 293Page 121-143
Education for global citizenship in universities. Challenges and opportunities
Abstract 1006 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 742Page 144-153
Trends in quality assurance in higher education: A critical appraisal of the case of Angola
Abstract 377 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 288Page 154-163
Hearing impairment and emerging pedagogies: Challenges and challenges of an education model mediated by digital technologies by digital technologies
Abstract 914 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 1033Page 164-179
Identity traits and cultural heritage of Galician emigration. Approach to the educational implications
Abstract 375 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 248Page 180-188
Mathematics the art of thinking: Rhizomatic deconstruction in early education
Abstract 469 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 420Page 189-202
Adaptive behavior and education of pupils with intellectual disability in Maule Region (Chile): An approach to its understanding
Abstract 1656 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 1786Page 203-220
Participation as an educable value and a value to be educated in university students: Some data on student participation at the University of Santiago de Compostela
Abstract 556 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 183Page 221-226
Behavior of graduates´ studies in health sciences professionals in the last two decades
Abstract 836 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 477Page 227-240
Model to evaluate the development of the third university mission. An approach from organizational learning.
Abstract 327 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 328Page 241-257
The use of virtual resources in higher education and academic performance in times of pandemic.
Abstract 1138 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 808Page 258-264