Abstract 167 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 50Page 17-20
From Education for Self, to Education to Be. Submission of Pedagogy and Didactics
Abstract 485 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 155Page 21-28
On the work of art, a esthetics and its vital impact
Abstract 93 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 49Page 29-38
Education in moral competencies with a humanistic and social perspective as a strategy to improve school coexistence
Abstract 127 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 81Page 39-56
Temporary nature of scientificdisciplinary knowledge: Implications for the formulation of educational research questions
Abstract 98 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 44Page 57-69
Modeling an internet of things architecture to manage atmospheric carbon emissions in cities
Abstract 54 | PDF Inglés Downloads 28Page 70-111
Redesign of the Subnational State in Valle del Cauca: Institutional Capacity and Personnel Management ( 2004-2018)
Abstract 131 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 24Page 112-145
Contributions of the Lesson Study in teaching: A look at the degree works of a Master in Pedagogy
Abstract 268 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 124Page 146-162
Políticas públicas educativas para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la lectura y la escritura en su tránsito por la educación básica en Colombia
Abstract 110 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 57Page 163-176
Physical Education in the first Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (lay No. 4.024/1961)
Abstract 48 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 66Page 177-185