Published: 2019-12-01

December 2019


Journal Vol 8 No 12. Hermeneutics of education and learning

Rodrigo Ruay Garcés
Abstract 420 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 308

Page 18-22



Decolonizing teacher training through networks between schools and universities

Sueli de Lima Moreira
Abstract 270 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 210

Page 50-64

Teachers and their work as promoters of the solidarity value on the process teaching learning

Carlos Adolfo Sanabria Valdés
Abstract 412 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 221

Page 65-70

Impact of intercultural competence in foreign language teaching, in a Technical Institution of Bogotá

Diana Cecilia Rodríguez Sanchez, Astrid Ramírez Valencia
Abstract 509 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 362

Page 71-88

The attitudes of ecuadorian university students towards reading in spanish

María Piedad Rivadeneira Barreiro, Boris Isaac Hernández Velásquez
Abstract 571 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 335

Page 89-93

Evaluation based on learning from the experience

Diana Marcela Cortes Carmona, Catalina Gallego Tobón, Yancelly Gómez Parra, Nini Johana Mejía López, Cindy Paola Panesso
Abstract 830 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 435

Page 94-104

Influence of ABP on the Reasoning Level of Higher Education Students

Leidy Lorena Herrera Briñez; Mariela del Pilar Gómez Castro
Abstract 830 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 503

Page 105-116

The YouTube Website as a strategy for self-learning of the English language

Rodrigo Ruay Garcés , Elvis Campos Palacios
Abstract 1997 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 1213

Page 129-142

A study about the causes that stops academic achievement in higher education: the case of the ba in english language at UNACAR

Gina del Pilar Pacheco Balam , Salvador Bautista Maldonado , Rosa Adriana May Meléndez
Abstract 375 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 221

Page 150-161

Leonidas Proaño liberalizing theological ideas in indigenous Development

Rómulo Arteño Ramos, Juan Illicachi Guzñay, Mery Elizabeth Zabala Machado
Abstract 1907 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 764

Page 162-184