Published: 2024-02-01

February 2024


Reflections: Educate with knowledge in an edifying key

Julio César Arboleda
Abstract 310 | PDF Inglés (Spanish) Downloads 69

Page 15-17

Reflexiones: Educar con los saberes en clave edificante

Julio César Arboleda
Abstract 900 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 196

Page 18-20


Presentation: Pedagogy, design, practices and mesoaxiology perspective

Julio César Arboleda
Abstract 217 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 136

Page 21-24


Escuela nueva: Reflections on pedagogical practices in rural education

Carlos Alfredo Pérez Fuentes , Yanid Pérez Angarita , Eloina Pérez Ramírez , Nubia Solano Meneses , José Joan Garavito Patiño , Annie Julieth Álvarez Maestre
Abstract 831 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 453

Page 49-63

New mathematics teachers from the approach of critical mathematics education

Quintana Blanco Hernán Darío , Alfonso Jiménez Espinosa
Abstract 491 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 258

Page 86-100

Communicative skills for the training of students at the university

David Fragoso Franco
Abstract 453 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 408

Page 101-116

Pedagogical design in a case of initial mathematics teacher training

Gilbert-Andres Cruz-Rojas, Victoria Eugenia Mena Ruiz
Abstract 521 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 435

Page 117-133

The labor practice. Their to become in the licentiate in education preschool

Aymara Betancourt Vizcaya, Carlos Luis Fundora, Nancy Vega Héctor, Marleni Noelia Knight Pérez
Abstract 119 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 98

Page 134-141

STEM+Ancestrality: Towards the increase of scientific and technological culture, in ethnic vallecaucan female populations

Gladys Zamudio Tobar, Luz Karime Giraldo García
Abstract 252 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 164

Page 142-158

Teacher´s perspective on school risk factors in secondary education centers in the region of Albacete

Manuel Ángel González Berruga
Abstract 130 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 99

Page 159-172

Determination of constructs on teaching strategies for developing algebraic reasoning

Susana Del Pilar Hernández Castaño
Abstract 136 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 114

Page 173-186