New learning environments
Abstract 378 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 380Page 32-37
Editorial. Teacher leadership in the face of new learning environments in higher education
Abstract 1616 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 400Page 24-31
Social service, a quality indicator
Abstract 634 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 501Page 38-42
Effectiveness of perceptual audio methodology through the use of Stereo Book Nonfiction Hearing, to develop listening comprehension
Abstract 339 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 321Page 43-55
The influence of social networks on university students
Abstract 12754 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 22885Page 56-65
School life and culture of peace. Some clues
Abstract 225 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 124Page 66-75
Intertextuality on the heroic literature, an effective tool for a competent reader
Abstract 356 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 230Page 76-90
Learning the English language as a foreign language
Abstract 86458 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 34783Page 91-98
Program of cognitive didactic strategies for the development of mathematical reasoning. An experience with high school students
Abstract 2074 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 1966Page 99-111
Use of interactive teaching resources through ICTs in the teaching-learning process in the area of mathematics.
Abstract 3826 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 3273Page 112-134
Influence of leadership on the organizational climate in higher education institutions
Abstract 2169 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 1352Page 135-149
Beliefs and conceptions: a look at mathematical evaluation in higher education
Abstract 930 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 627Page 150-159
Technological innovation as a management tool for organizational development
Abstract 336 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 271Page 160-169
Theoretical considerations to the early entrepreneurial activity TEA
Abstract 600 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 358Page 170-175
The gross psychomotricity in children from 12 to 18 months in a CIBV of the canton Latacunga
Abstract 1317 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 2382Page 176-186
Marketing epistemology and marketing and advertising manager as a transformational leader
Abstract 735 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 489Page 187-198
The propaedeutic cycles as an innovative strategy for the training of Public Accountants in Colombia
Abstract 271 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 766Page 199-217
Entrepreneurship, university and society
Abstract 818 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 465Page 218-225
Social psychology of mathematics
Abstract 1081 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 647Page 226-234
The desertion in education
Abstract 5608 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 10388Page 235-239