Towards the formation of multiple thoughts, understandings and scenarios for peace
Abstract 291 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 161Page 20-23
Editorial. Why the universities do not develop thoughts multiple in students: alternative proposal
Abstract 268 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 201Page 24-31
Sociolinguistic research at the University of Quindío
Abstract 381 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 644Page 32-41
The construction of scenarios for peace: peace as an ethical requirement
Abstract 638 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 875Page 42-48
The magic of love, the horrors of the Death and other themes in the tales by Gabriel García Márquez
Abstract 1435 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 1554Page 49-62
The writing in the leaders educational; community experience Learning. ABCD alternative model of quality education for marginalized communities
Abstract 851 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 736Page 63-76
To have a shower in Physical Education, activity to improve body schema and self-esteem in girls
Abstract 615 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 1128Page 77-88
An approach to the relating ones theoretical of the initial formation of the educational one in the context of the educational unit
Abstract 296 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 586Page 89-96
Critical review of the texts "teach to think" and "the curriculum from the pedagogy comprehensive constructive"
Abstract 359 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 230Page 97-99
Critical review on the article: the pedagogy of alterity from the comprehensive constructive perspective
Abstract 566 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 428Page 100-101
Critical review of the text "Training for life: from competences to building understanding"
Abstract 203 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 93Page 102-103
Critical review of the article: "From passive learning to comprehensive learning. The academic devices".
Abstract 489 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 224Page 104-105
Critical review of the articles: "training for life: from competences to building understanding" and from passive learning to comprehensive learning"
Abstract 201 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 166Page 106-108