Published: 2017-10-01
October 2017


Towards the formation of multiple thoughts, understandings and scenarios for peace

Julio César Arboleda
Abstract 291 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 161

Page 20-23


Editorial. Why the universities do not develop thoughts multiple in students: alternative proposal

Mirella del Pilar Vera Rojas, Luis Antonio Vera Rojas, Segundo Chávez Arias
Abstract 268 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 201

Page 24-31

Sociolinguistic research at the University of Quindío

Sandra Julieth Idárraga Valencia
Abstract 381 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 644

Page 32-41

The construction of scenarios for peace: peace as an ethical requirement

Angélica María Vargas Bernal
Abstract 638 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 875

Page 42-48

The writing in the leaders educational; community experience Learning. ABCD alternative model of quality education for marginalized communities

Yolanda Isaura Lara García, Celia Carrera Hernández, Josefina Madrigal Luna
Abstract 851 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 736

Page 63-76

To have a shower in Physical Education, activity to improve body schema and self-esteem in girls

Joseba Koldo Etxeberria Zapirain
Abstract 615 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 1128

Page 77-88

An approach to the relating ones theoretical of the initial formation of the educational one in the context of the educational unit

Yusmil Carmenates Romero, Ramón Rubén González Nápoles, Ermis González Pérez
Abstract 296 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 586

Page 89-96

Critical review of the texts "teach to think" and "the curriculum from the pedagogy comprehensive constructive"

Claudia Milena Satizábal Muñoz
Abstract 359 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 230

Page 97-99

Critical review of the text "Training for life: from competences to building understanding"

Katherine García Viedma
Abstract 203 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 93

Page 102-103