Published: 2020-08-01

August 2020 


Journal Vol 9 No 8. Education, Covid and ICT

Mawency Vergel Ortega
Abstract 1912 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 1170

Page 18-23


The Cuban politics in front of the covid19. The education in this context

Nancy Lucía Chacón Arteaga
Abstract 1138 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 1736

Page 24-34


The power in relationships that structure the action patterns of the school community

Florentino Silva Becerra
Abstract 331 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 288

Page 35-51

A review of the literature on the teaching and learning of logarithms (2000-2013): history and epistemology

Jeannette Vargas Hernández
Abstract 1310 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 1261

Page 52-82

Pedagogical activity, a reflection for the excercise of teaching with the Emberas Katíos

Maria Helena Ramirez Cabanzo
Abstract 1596 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 2263

Page 83-95

Implementation of a genetic algorithm using a computer application based on neural and evolutionary computing to obtain the best adapted chromosome

María de los Ángeles Rodríguez-Cevallos, María José Andrade-Albán, Roberto Carlos Maldonado-Palacios, Cristhian Alfonso Cobos-Cevallos
Abstract 604 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 698

Page 116-131

University social responsibility: a view from the conceptions of teachers in training

Andrea Katherine Laguado Rozo, Luis Carlos Cervantes Estrada, Ernesto Fajardo Pascagaza
Abstract 1045 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 670

Page 132-157

In the time of coronavirus: TIC´S are a good alternative for remote education

María Pastran Chirinos, Numas Armando Gil Olivera, Derly Cervantes Cerra
Abstract 11446 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 7259

Page 158-165

Influence of higher education on youth entrepreneurship in university students: a theoretical approach

Germán Darío Hémbuz Falla , Ana María Sánchez Avilés, Valeria Bermeo Diaz
Abstract 9223 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 5387

Page 166-180

ICT in the multigrade classroom. A teacher training experience

Yaneth Cucunubá Tabaco, Nohora Elisabeth Alfonso Bernal , Carmen Helena Cepeda Araque
Abstract 2053 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 1896

Page 181-193

Estimated returns on investment in education on the wages of heads of household in Colombia for 2018

Héctor Javier Fuentes López, Leonardo Emiro Contreras Bravo, Karolina González Guerrero
Abstract 401 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 316

Page 194-203

Instructional model idea. A proposal for the development of online educational programs

Humberto Jesús Ortega Vázquez
Abstract 12793 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 4113

Page 204-220

Use and abuse of the consumption of psychoactive substances in university students in Covid-19 time

Clara Judith Brito Carrillo, Elvis Eliana Pinto Aragón, Ana Rita Villa Navas
Abstract 3450 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 2072

Page 221-230

Caregivers' perception of an accompaniment program for people with disabilities

Juan Paulo Marín Castaño, Nicolás Antonio Sepúlveda Tamayo, Paula Andrea Vélez Castañeda
Abstract 546 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 377

Page 231-243

Elias Nandino; the gestation of a sexual heterodoxy

Eduardo De la Fuente Rocha
Abstract 318 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 319

Page 244-257