Published: 2017-02-01
Febrero de 2017


Diversity, innovation and educational policy

Julio César Arboleda
Abstract 245 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 243

Page 27-32


Editorial. Listening to the other

Pedro Ortega Ruiz.
Abstract 164 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 116

Page 23-26

Contributions for a holistic social work: the place of spirituality in organizational social work

Cristina Duarte, Pedro Ventura
Abstract 597 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 293

Page 33-44

The environmental dimensión for the aula innovative: a digital educational content for non-technological contamination

María Caridad Valdés Rodríguez, Colón Gilberto Martínez Rehpani, Mélida Alexandra Camachi Monar
Abstract 262 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 478

Page 45-54

Methodological strategy of the use of virtual classrooms in the teaching-learning process in the school of educational psychology of the National University of Chimborazo

Lexinton Cepeda Astudillo, Ofelia Santos Jiménez, María Angélica Barba Maggi, Lucila De la Calle Andrade
Abstract 1048 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 658

Page 55-66

Analysis of the Colombian educational policy from the theory of structuralist constructivism

William Gilberto Delgado Munévar
Abstract 2328 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 4352

Page 67-80

Conceptions about mathematical competences in teachers of basic, middle and higher education

Joaquín Restrepo Becerra
Abstract 2024 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 1258

Page 104-118

Free development of personality and school disciplines in Colombian educational institutions

Tito Jhonney Ramirez Rojas, Clara Aura Salguero Rosa, Victoria Gomez
Abstract 276 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 245

Page 119-124

The cultural heritage transmitted through folk literature. Ideas derived from a classroom proposal

Marcelo Bianchi Bustos
Abstract 277 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 120

Page 125-130

Peraj adopts a friend: application of an international model

Elsa de Jesús Hernández Fuentes, Elsa del Carmen Villegas Morán
Abstract 291 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 142

Page 131-134

Skills for the 21st century, new contexts, new capabilities ... Is the Colombian teacher ready?

Angèlica Nohemy Rangel Pico, Oscar Javier Zambrano Valdivieso, Yohana Milena Rueda Mahecha, Fabio Augusto Niño Liévano
Abstract 908 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 1716

Page 135-138

Ethical-descriptive analysis of social behavior. Intimidation: An epidemiological phenomenon capable of being molded mathematically for its prevention and intervention.

Diego F. Aranda L, Pedro J. Ruiz, Pablo A. Munevar, Clara E. Pedraza, Viviana Vargas, Edgar C. Medina, Ricardo Borda, Leonardo D. Donado
Abstract 2450 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 998

Page 139-173

ICT's in teacher training

Juan Carlos Chancusig Chisag, Galo Alfredo Flores Lagla, María Fernanda Constante
Abstract 2756 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 985

Page 174-198

Central sectors of historical character: scenarios for heritage learning

Florinda Sánchez Moreno, Mario Perilla Perilla
Abstract 234 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 99

Page 199-205

Cost educational software

Alejandra Medina-Lozano, José Martín Villalobos Salmerón, Marco Antonio Ordaz Celedón
Abstract 608 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 656

Page 206-213