Abstract 91 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 37Page 18-24
Educate to be ótrico Beings who live a life integrated with their strengths
Abstract 527 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 72Page 25-35
La Comunicación fallida: La lucha por la hegemonía política y la hegemonía mediática, durante “el gobierno del cambio”
Abstract 102 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 56Page 36-60
Tourism marketing, a commitment to the promotion of cultural tourism: In vulnerable populations: Case of corregacion de la Junta, municipality of San Juan del Cesar, La Guajira
Abstract 61 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 18Page 250-267
Memories of uprooting: social and political imaginaries, a praxeological vision of young people in public universities by the social rule of law
Abstract 36 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 27Page 61-73
Peace constructions in Colombia
Abstract 50 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 36Page 74-84
Imaginaries of fundamental rights and duties of peace in young people in public universities: A socio-critical and praxeological vision for a healthy coexistence
Abstract 36 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 19Page 85-89
The audiovisual language as a didactic device in the collection, analysis and media learning in the representations of the culture of peace of young people from public universities in Bogotá.
Abstract 41 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 29Page 90-121
The Culture of Peace and Sports Education. A conceptual approach exercise
Abstract 53 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 23Page 122-134
Paths towards peacebuilding. From concept to colombian reality
Abstract 33 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 17Page 135-154
From the Pedagogy of Death to education for a more conscious life
Abstract 83 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 46Page 155-171
Construction of critical thinking and discursive Ethos in educational experiences of teachers and students of higher education in Pereira (Risaralda, Colombia)
Abstract 61 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 23Page 172-192
Virtual museums in the teaching and learning of history in the third year of high school
Abstract 64 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 37Page 193-211
The role of technology in the quality of education in vulnerable Afro-Colombian regions
Abstract 45 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 31Page 212-226
Methodological activities for the preparation of physical education teachers on special coordination skills
Abstract 50 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 24Page 227-234
Methodological design for formulation, evaluation and execution of hospital infrastructure projects, low complexity, Cali, Colombia
Abstract 44 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 18Page 235-249